Policy Statement

Safeguarding Contact Information

The Archdiocese of Dublin and the Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer Bray, value and encourage the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in Diocesan activities in order to enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development.  We recognise the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to ensuring their protection from all forms of abuse.This is a committment binding on all priests and on those who work in our Diocesan offices and agencies, and in our parishes.  It extends to all the many and varied ways that children share in the life of the Church in our Diocese.

Diocesan policy for child protection & safeguarding states that every role in the parish potentially involves some level of contact with children so …

irrespective of the degree of contact, the Diocese requires all who are employed, or who engage in volunteer ministry or works of service for the Christian community in Diocesan offices, Diocesan agencies or parishes to undergo Garda Vetting as an expression of our common commitment to safeguarding children.”

This applies to EVERYONE who volunteers in ANY capacity…those involved directly with children and all others.

Before joining a ministry group you must obtain a Garda Vetting form from the group lead and return it completed in a sealed envelope to the parish office, attention “Garda Vetting“.  Please note that it is necessary for all staff/volunteers working with children to complete BOTH a Declaration form and a Garda Vetting form, both of which can be downloaded below (and are included in the Child Protection Policy Document).