The majority of our funding comes from the very generous contributions of our parishioners through the “Planned Giving Programme”.
This programme operates in two ways:
  1. Standing Order (direct debit) from your bank account.  These generous payments can be made by you on a monthly, half-yearly or annual basis.  This commitment can be changed or cancelled at any time as circumstances change in your own lives.  A Standing Order Form can be found below.
  2. Family Offering Envelopes.  These generous payments can be made by youmonthly, yearly or 1/2 yearly.  Envelopes will be sent to your home according to the frequency of your commitment.  A Family Offering Form can be found below.

Whatever your financial commitment, it can be changed or cancelled at any time as circumstances change in your own lives.

The “Planned Giving Programme“, as a source of income for the parish, is VITAL !
We would encourage parishioners to contribute in this manner, if at all possible, no matter how much they commit to paying.  No amount is too small !
Every contribution helps enormously towards meeting the ever increasing annual financial challenge facing the parish.

Standing Order Form

Family Offering Envelope Form


Under the finance act, there is a scheme of tax relief on donations to eligible charities.  Through this scheme it is possible for the Parish to claim PAYE back on contributions greater than 250 Euro made by a parishioner in a calendar year.  This scheme will not cost you anything extra but it would be of great financial benefit to the parish.  To avail of this scheme, your consent is needed.
If you have paid Income tax in the last calendar year and you are agreeable to co-operate with this scheme of reclaiming the Tax for the benefit of the Parish, then we would ask you to please contact the Parish Office at 2868413.
By agreeing to avail of this scheme, the Parish will benefit more from your generous annual contribution!